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- Exploring the Environmental Impact of Ancient CivilizationsMarch 1, 2017How did former civilizations, such as the ancient Greeks and Romans, restructure their environment and...
- Reefs Actually Need to be Eaten to ThriveFebruary 14, 2017Algae-eating fish are critical to health of Coral Reefs Coral reefs are jewels of the ocean--magnificent...
- In Search of Human Origins--the Oceanic ViewMay 25, 2016IODP Expedition 361 drilled six sites off Southern Africa in Feb-March 2016. Our objectives were...
- 85 Ma of fish and shark evolution in the open oceanOctober 28, 2015With Ph.D student, Elizabeth Sibert, I have been using the fossil record of fish teeth...
- Fossils as indicators of Ancient lifeJanuary 24, 2015Although lots of things don't preserve well as fossils, it turns out that we can...
- The Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary in DenmarkDecember 23, 2014This is a neat idea--slather large amounts of resin on the outcrop at Stven's Klint,...
- Fish and HypoxiaDecember 22, 2014One of the predictions for the future is that parts of the ocean are expected...
- Why put a GPS tracker on a rock?August 24, 2014An enduring mystery in Geology is why and how rocks move of their own accord...
- Research in BiogeographyMarch 13, 2014 Among my interests is the evolution of zoogeography in the oceans, particularly in plankton but...
- Past Ecosystems are Key to the FutureAugust 3, 2013What lessons we can learn from the geological record of marine ecosystems about the impact...
- Cretaceous Thermal Maximum ~85-90 MaMarch 27, 2013The Cretaceous Thermal Maximum is the warmest period in Earth's history in the last ~200...
- Deep Sea Sediments and MicrofossilsMarch 27, 2013As a professional fossil watcher, it is a particular delight to explore deep sea mud--the...
- My U-Tube moment at the Bremen Core RepositoryMarch 17, 2013The University of Bremen has one of the very best core repositories for scientific study...
- Drilling Paleogene Sediment Drifts of NewfoundlandFebruary 13, 2013Part of the science party for IODP Expedition 342 “Paleogene Newfoundland Sediment Drifts” (gathered around...
- Bocas del Toro Field WorkFebruary 5, 2013Bocas del Toro, Panama--coring modern reefs to reconstruct the last 1000 years of reef ecosystem...
- Reef fish teeth as indicators of pre-European fishing impacts in the CaribbeanFebruary 5, 2013Left: Field photograph of the Bocas del Toro Field Station in NE Panama. Right: An...